Freeport – Fakta-fakta yang disembunyikan [Freeport – the hidden facts].
This book is authored by Ismantoro Dwi Yuwono, who studied politics and how class played its role in social change, and Paharizal S. who studied sociology and serves as a Conservation Outreach and Education Coordinator. The books forward set the tone with one of its statements; “This book is written based on literature and interviews with several activists involved in highlighting various issues related to the production process carried out by Freeport in Papua” (Google translate). The book was first published in 2016 and would seem to contribute to the then populist anti Freeport sentiment prior to the Government purchasing a majority share in Freeport. The first 2 chapters make up about half the book, and include some well recognized historical context, from discovery, through the cold war politics, Indonesia’s acquisition of Papua etc. Chapters 3 -6 is more of a one-sided commentary on a number of broad populist negative issues and gossip that cover human resources, mining, tax, contract extension and such. From beginning to end, this book is filled to overflowing with bad stories that are even frightening. It would seem the sentiment of the book is to promote anti-establishment. Indonesia is to be commended for supporting a Free Press with such a controversial publication. This is an outsider view of Freeport.
The soft copy book is 200 pages, written in Bahasa Indonesia, and can be purchased in Gramedia for Rp 99,000.