The Trisakti Tragedy 12 May 1998

Title :-The Trisakti Tragedy 12 May 1998

By :- Soekisno Hadikoemoro

Published :- Trisakti University Student Press  (2000) Paperback (150 pages)

Outline;- A history and politics of the events that led up to the 12 May 1988 shooting of Trisakti students by Indonesian special forces. This event was a distinctive point in changing the engrained acceptance of President Suharto to rejection of Suharto by the masses and in a matter of days led to Suhartos ministers distancing themselves from him, and the police and military to stand on the side of the people. Within days Suharto resigned. The events of the day are recorded by many who were there. The book itself is designed to be a constant reminder for Indonesian never to follow such a poor political path.

Simple easy to read short book.