Good news story of gold perks me up.

Good news story of gold perks me up. [Posted 18 Aug 2014, 245 views, 20 likes, 2 comments]

Justin Werner – Director of Auger Resources Indonesia gave a presentation on the Wonogiri gold project in Central Java at the Djakarta Mining Club on the 14 Aug 2014. The presentation and slide show was full of geological and project information wherein a nice gold resource is now going to undertake a gap analysis before heading into full feasibility study mode. The presentation was like a breath of fresh mountain air (not recycled from the old AC) as it reminded me that a principal driver of exploration and development is GOOD NEWS of start-up projects, having people who believe in such projects and having funds to support the projects. This was in stark contrast from some recent coal seminars where one friend indicated that the despondent audience went looking for razor blades or rope to end their misery!

Are there any other good news stories out there?