Good Mining Practice di Indonesia.
This hard cover 390-page book by Prof. Dr. Ir. Irwandy Arif, M.Sc. is published, and available, from PT. Gramedia for Rp 180,000. The book is well set out, written in Indonesian with numerous figures and tables.
- The concept of Good Mining Practice [GMP].
- GMP implementation principles
- Application of GMP in mining technical aspects
- Application of GMP in environmental aspects
- Implementation of GMP in mining safety aspects
- Implementation of GMP in the aspect of resource conservation
- Implementation of GMP in corporate social responsibility
- Challenges of implementing GMP in Indonesia
Each book is suitable for university students seeking to enter the various fields associated with the mining industry. I highly recommend these books for politicians, technocrats and reporters for a sound introduction into the general mining industry. They are easy reads, with attached references for those wishing to look deeper into these subjects.