Drill and Blast at the Grasberg Mine.
“Pengeoboran dan Peledakan Tambang – Tambang Terbuka Grasberg” (Buku Seri 3) was produced by PT. Freeport Indonesia in 2013. This hard cover 230-page large format book was prepared by a large team, and presented in Bahasa Indonesia, with limited availability from PT. Freeport and MGEI.
The main chapter headings are 1) Introduction, 2) pushback mining system, 3) general description of drill & blast, 4) planning for drill & blast, 5) application of drill & blast, 6) evaluation of drill & blast results, 7) special projects, 8) human resources and 9) photo gallery. A positive feature of this book is the accompanying 52 photos, 45 figures, 26 tables and 2 graphs.
The contents start out with a short outline in that blasting is required for ease of mining and suitability of feed to the crushing mill. There are several standard and innovative techniques applied to drill & blast. The book continues with a short practical outline of the push back mine expansion system, drilling performance and controls, design of blasts for production, and also for long term wall stability. Evaluation looks more closely at fragmentation and resultant pit floor profile. Special project drill & blast is required for adjusting civil works or where the first blast left behind irregular consolidated rock.
This book is excellent case study reading for the geotechnical and mine engineers of today and tomorrow. This sort of book should be found in every mining university library as it will guide and enthuse geoscience & mining graduates. We must thank these pioneering engineers, and others, for undertaking such operational work, and for the considerable effort to produce this book. We must also thank PT. Freeport Indonesia for supporting the development and publishing of this book. It is herein hoped that other mines can follow this lead to record the technology and effort of Indonesia’s exploration, mining and smelting industries.