A book review of “Nickel Indonesia” by Prof. Irwandy Arif.
A book review of “Nickel Indonesia” by Prof. Irwandy Arif.
The hard cover book “Nickel Indonesia” is 248 paged long, written in Bahasa Indonesia and published by PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta in 2018. Prof. Dr. Ir. Irwandy Arif, M.Sc. is a Professor of Mining Engineering Study Program at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). He has held several key industry posts, is an advisor to the Ministry of Mines and Energy and has written several books on mining. The text is broad and easy to read, with many figures and informative tables. At the end of each chapter is a list of references for further reading.
Beyond the very practical introduction, the book is laid out in 6 chapters. Chapter 1 emphasizes the geology of nickel ore deposits, being primary sulphides and secondary oxides (laterites), along with various sampling methods. Chapter 2 tells us where nickel resources and reserves can be found in Indonesia, and outlines Indonesia’s national reserves of Nickel. Interestingly the author makes some assumptions that suggest the nickel ore will run out in 2064. Chapter 3 outlines the exploration and mining process, along with the various options for processing into primary metallic products. This chapter incudes some nickel marketing fundamentals. Examples from PT. Aneka Tambang Tbk and PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk are given on environmental management. Chapter 4 introduces the reader to the many uses of nickel and nickel recycling. Chapter 5 informs the reader about the Mines Departments permitting and management of the nickel mining industry in Indonesia. Chapter 6 is about the benefits that the nickel mining industry brings to Indonesia, along with ongoing issues experienced by the Nickel industry.
This is an excellent introductory book for university students studying geology, mining, metallurgy or marketing for the Indonesian nickel industry. It is also recommended reading for mining professionals wishing to move from another commodity into the nickel industry, and for mines inspectors, reporters, politicians or NGO’s who should know the basics of the Nickel industry.