Ema Tetun – Community and change in the social and cultural life of a traditional society in central Timor Eastern Indonesia (book review)

Title : Ema Tetun – Community and change in the social and cultural life of a traditional society in central Timor Eastern Indonesia.
Author ; Herman Joseph Seran.
Published ; Gita Kasih publishing house, Kupang 2007 – 2009.
Size; Paperback. 274+ pages.

Based on a research theses about the native customs and social life in Central Flores, whereas this life outlook is similar throughout the Nusantar Timur islands. The book starts with pre-colonial local life style, that includes local kings, tribal war, slavery and cannibalism, leading to villages being established on hill tops surrounded by prickly plants, respect for the dead spirits to guide & protect etc. The wars never real go away but with Christian missionaries are gradually replaced by a more formalized set of customs that at their root still adopt the “Us & Them” outlook, that today continues wherein strangers are considered outsiders and fair game for cheating etc. Much of the book looks at customs within the broader family groups, particularly marriage (bride givers family & bride takers families) and rice cultivation, games and such.
The book is very tedious reading, and modest repeating. Being published in Eastern Indonesia it is likely not widely circulated, but would be suitable reference to appropriate students of such cultures.