Violence In Between (book review)
17. Title :- Violence In Between – Conflict and security in archipelagic South East Asia.
By :- Edited by Damien Kingsbury.
Published :- Monash University Press 2005 & Institute of southeast Asian studies 2005 – reprint 2006. (300 pages)
Outline :- Eleven chapters by different authors on terrorism and various related topics, some on individual countries (include Indonesia) and others of SE Asia as from comparative country aspects. Essentially Islam is more of an excuse rather than a ideological force behind terrorism. Often Islam is a convenient flag for people to resist government oppression or commercial exclusion. Only since 911 has religion started to become the driver in some instances. Looks at how Governments have developed their security forces in reaction to various issues, piracy etc, and in the case of Aceh how the military were part responsible for indirectly promoting conflict. Australia’s roll in Timor conflict from political pressure & timing is interesting.